Strengths, Weaknesses, and Trends – What Lens Drives Your Strategic Planning

We’ve observed for decades how market-leading firms eventually fall behind startups because they just couldn’t see the future, in what the late Harvard Business School Professor Clayton Christenson labeled the innovator’s dilemma.

So why do leaders miss seeing sweeping global trends that are about to broadside them? We put a big part of the blame on the standard SWOT analysis used in strategic planning – the age old tool used to identify an organization’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. It’s time to update this methodology.

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Who's it for?

Senior leaders in growth firms concerned with the pace of change, the commoditization of their business, and potential technological disruptions.

You will learn:

1. Why you should focus on strengths, weaknesses, and trends and leave SWOT analysis to your managers.

2. A thinking process that will improve focus and decision-making.

3. How to ensure you disrupt rather than being disrupted.