4 Steps to Creating Your Flywheel

In 2001, amid the dot com bust, Amazon’s stock fell from $107 to $6 per share…then 9-11 happened. Everyone predicted Amazon’s demise. Rather than react, Bezos turned to Jim Collins, took his advice, and committed to developing, turning and staying focused on its flywheel, a concept popularized by Collins in his best-selling book, Good to Great. Pushing its flywheel every day has helped Amazon become a giant and a competitive threat to almost every business and industry.

In this webinar replay, DFW Scaling Up Coach Mark Fenner will teach you how to identify, implement, and turn your unique business flywheel.

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Who's it for?

Entrepreneurs, Founders and Leaders of high growth companies desiring greater momentum.

You will learn:

1. 4 steps to creating your flywheel.

2. Many current client flywheel examples.

3. Why a virtuous cycle of momentum is important.